Upon reaching the age limit of 30 years, most men think about how to increase potency, strengthen erectile function and prevent possible disorders of the reproductive system. Moreover, many seek to do this with the help of natural means and natural methods that do not harm the body, as well as additionally strengthen the immune system and increase vitality. But with a competent and rational approach, this is quite feasible. The use of traditional medicine methods, proper rest, monitoring the quality of food consumed, as well as following other principles of a healthy lifestyle will increase the duration and quality of sexual intercourse and strengthen male power.

General recommendations
Almost every representative of the strong half of humanity thinks about how to increase potency and increase male power, regardless of his state of health and age category. But in fairness, it should be noted that most often such issues affect men over 30 years old, because it is after reaching this age that a decrease in erectile function occurs.
This trend is due not so much to characteristic age-related changes as to adherence to bad habits, lack of regular sexual activity and physical activity, systematic stress, nervous strain, and other negative factors.
Provided that there are no diseases of the genital area, which also have a negative effect on the sexual activity of men, it is quite possible to increase the potency at home, using topical folk methods for this purpose. The use of specific drugs that have a pronounced stimulating effect is best excluded, since they have a negative effect on the body.

What should be done to increase potency without resorting to drugs, guided only by natural and safe measures? If the problems are minor and are of a one-time nature, it is quite possible to resort to the establishment of a healthy lifestyle. To do this, the following principles must be put into practice:
- Food culture. First you need to establish a diet. Eat only healthy and natural food. All kinds of preserves, pickles, jams, marinades and instant dishes should be forgotten forever. It is advisable to cook only at home and do it constantly. At the same time, it is recommended to eat regularly, at the same time, at least five times a day, consuming a small portion at each meal, the total volume of which should not exceed 250-300 milliliters.
- Sport - is life. Including sexual life. The lack of moderate physical activity may well lead to intimate problems due to poor blood circulation in the pelvic organs. However, we should not forget that physical fatigue and excessive stress can also lead to very serious problems. It is best to do any sports every other day, this is quite enough.
- hardening. With the help of hardening procedures, it is quite possible to increase the duration and quality of intercourse. This is due to the restoration and improvement of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. As a hardening, it is better to choose wiping or dousing with cool water. This should be done regularly, every day, otherwise it will not be easy to achieve a positive effect.
- Exclusion of bad habits. Smoking, alcohol, taking medications that the body does not need - with the help of these negative addictions, it is quite possible to cause the development of serious consequences and a decrease in potency. You should completely leave such habits in the past, no matter how difficult it may be.
- Refusal of medicines. Most modern people, both men and women, tend to take medications on a regular basis that have a calming effect, promote weight loss, and a number of others. This should not be done if there is no real need and the corresponding prescription of the attending physician. By taking such drugs, you can aggravate your own health and provoke the development of erectile dysfunction.
- Tranquility and complete relaxation. In the modern world, most men experience strong feelings and stress every day. Against the background of nervous overstrain, it is unlikely that it will be possible to raise potency, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to do it quickly and without harm to the body. It is best to monitor your own emotional background, to avoid unrest over trifles.

Taking various medications unnecessarily leads to impaired health and erection.
Important! Without observing the above principles, it is quite difficult to raise erectile function in men by any folk methods. Strengthening potency is possible only if the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle are observed.
Complete rest
The lack of a sufficient amount of adequate sleep per day, exhausting mental and physical stress, stress - each of these factors, both individually and in combination, can lead to the development of erectile disorders in men. In order to avoid this, it is best to normalize the daily routine.
First you need to determine the optimal sleep time, that is, the number of hours of rest per day, which is calculated strictly individually for each. Next, you should follow the identified norm, and sleep exactly as much as the body needs for complete recovery and rest. It is especially important to observe this rule for the category of men who have reached the age limit of 30 years. If there are no diseases of the genital area, as well as other pathologies, it is possible to achieve an increase in erectile function only with the help of this method.

Potency may be impaired due to fatigue, in which case it is enough just to rest and recuperate.
Few people know how to increase potency through the use of aromatherapy, but this is the easiest and most pleasant way to increase potency, which acts not only quickly, but is absolutely safe. It is possible to cause strong sexual arousal, as well as to achieve an increase in potency, with the help of natural aromatic oils. It is recommended to use this method at any time and at any age, including after 30 years.
As the most effective essential oils, with which it is possible to both increase potency and increase libido in men, the following are called:
- orange, tangerine, lemon;
- rose flower;
- vanilla;
- ylang-ylang;
- bergamot;
- patchouli;
- neroli;
- sandal.

It is allowed to use the aromas listed above at any time, but they should not be abused, since such a measure may well provoke the appearance of headaches. Oils should be used both separately and in combination. The combination of several flavors, provided, of course, the correct composition of the composition, a positive effect is achieved almost immediately.
Advice! Having chosen one aroma, having tested its effectiveness, one should not stop there. The combination of your favorite oil with other components will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the main ingredient.
Aphrodisiac Products
It is also possible to achieve an increase in erectile function in men by eating certain foods that contain large amounts of substances called aphrodisiacs. These chemical compounds have strong stimulating properties, it is especially recommended to use them for the category of people who have reached the age of 30, since at this time the body most needs hormonal replenishment from the outside.

How to increase potency with food? In order to prepare a dish that has exciting properties, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of foods classified as aphrodisiacs. Among these are:
- tomatoes;
- oysters;
- seaweed;
- celery;
- natural chocolate;
- bananas;
- quail and chicken eggs;
- citrus;
- figs;
- dried fruits;
- onion garlic;
- cinnamon;
- honey.

It is quite simple to prepare a full-fledged lunch or dinner based on the above products, and you can use either one or several ingredients. In order to achieve an increase in erectile function immediately before sexual intercourse, it is recommended to prepare dishes from the list below. For example:
- scrambled eggs with lots of onions and tomatoes;
- celery and apple salad;
- oysters with lemon juice;
- nuts with dried fruits and honey.
In addition, it is recommended to use these dishes on a regular basis for men who have reached the age of 30, and also over 45-50 years old. Dishes containing aphrodisiac ingredients stimulate not a temporary, but a permanent increase in potency.

Important! When planning a daily diet to improve erectile function, it is recommended to give preference to dishes of plant and animal origin. Only natural and high-quality food will help get rid of problems with potency, and will not harm the body.
Exercise stress
Is it possible, and how to increase potency through physical activity? To begin with, it is necessary to answer that this is quite feasible. In addition, complexes of various exercises contribute not only to the restoration of a full-fledged intimate life, but also to the strengthening of health in general. You should also not forget that increasing potency with the help of sports is possible only if there are no diseases.
How to strengthen an erection with exercise? First you need to choose a complex of the most simple, affordable and effective. As such, it is necessary to name a number of the following:
- squats;
- jumping;
- walking;
- swimming;
- run;
- body lifts from a prone position.

Thus, the following conclusion suggests itself: those types of exercises are useful for strengthening potency, during which the maximum load falls on the lower part of the body. Such methods allow you to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis and increase blood flow to the genitals. Exercises should be practiced on a regular basis, but their one-time performance will improve the quality and duration of sexual intercourse.
Important! You should not think about how to strengthen an erection with the help of physical activity if there are medical contraindications, for example, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In the presence of any pathologies, it is advisable to choose a different method of strengthening potency.
To achieve maximum results in matters of potency strengthening, it is not recommended to abuse any of the methods listed above. Moderation and sanity are the two main criteria by which it will be possible to achieve the best effect in the shortest possible time. In addition, it is advisable to consult with your doctor for possible contraindications.