author Klaus Grübel

Klaus Grübel


  • A healthy sex life can be maintained not only with the help of drugs - you can reconsider the diet by adding foods that will increase attraction and strengthen male power. Products that increase male potency - a whole list of vegetables, fruits, fish and spices that improve libido.
    11 September 2022
  • Sometimes men face difficulties with potency, and with age this happens more and more often. We will find out with the help of which products you can improve the situation and increase potency, as well as what should be excluded from the diet.
    10 September 2022
  • What are the methods for quickly raising potency at home with the help of nutrition, physical activity and special preparations.
    18 June 2022
  • Knowing what food is good for potency, and what, on the contrary, harms the body, you can limit the intake of harmful foods, strengthen male power and get rid of bad habits.
    15 June 2022
  • Overview of vitamins and minerals to increase male potency.
    14 June 2022